Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 10:14PM
Dr. Payton in CHANGING BEHAVIORS, empathy, listening, reacting, sympathy

Recently one of my patients said that they were being "too empathic."  She was referring to being understanding of others even when it was stressful for her. She did not feel it was right to not say something or not encourage the others. In exploring this further, it seems that she was making excuses for the others and that she felt that they couldn't help themselves. This seemed like other times when she felt responsible for others. In reflecting further together it seems that my patient's concern about being "too empathic" really represents her being sympathetic as my understanding of sympathy is when we feel for others versus listening to them and to  what their feelings are. This is what I understand what being empathic is. 

So, when we feel we have to say something or respond in some way we might be feeling reponsible for others and this often means that we are managing our own discomfort this way. It might be better to practice listening to others without reacting to what we are hearing so that we will be supporting their ability to manage their own feelings.

What do you think?

Article originally appeared on Leading Asheville, North Carolina Psychiatrist for over 40 years (
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