Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:25PM
Dr. Payton in ELIMINATING STRESS IN OUR LIVES, advantage, magnificent, manage

These are three things that the leader of the "Butterfly Circus" said to the limbless man.  I have recently blogged again about this wonderful short film called "Butterfly Circus." I was discussing this film with some of my patients who had watched it, at my encouragement. We discussed the statement "of course you have an advantage" and I mentioned that I felt that the statement was true but I did not know why it was. I then heard one of my patient's say that they were more open about themselves with others and more comfortable with themselves, since they had started to react less to past experiences and therefore had less anxiety and paranoid thinking. I wonder if my patient's struggles with anxiety and paranoia helped to push them to learn to react less to the past and that this was their "advantage" that helped them to "manage" their lives better. Hopefully some day soon they will realize that they are "magnificent."  

I also wonder if we all have an advantage and we all can manage and we all are magnificent? Don't we all have doubts and struggles and feel stressed based on past worries that we keep experiencing? So, doesn't that mean that we have the advantage of feeling more and more compelled to risk changing our lives by managing to be responsible for ourselves and our choices? Doesn't this then help us to be who we were meant to be versus being who we are when we succomb to worries and fears? And, when we are who we were meant to be isn't that magnificent?

What do you think?


Article originally appeared on Leading Asheville, North Carolina Psychiatrist for over 40 years (
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