Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 8:59PM
Dr. Payton in THE RIGHT THING TO DO, exploitation, joining together, racism, what is right, white privilege

Exploitation is defined as the fact of or action taken to treat someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. Or, to selfishly take advantage of a person or persons in order to profit from them or otherwise benefit yourself. So, is every bad thing humans do related to or involve exploitation? Racism seems to be all about exploitation. Does prejudice involve exploitation as being prejudiced means that you are demeaning others and this makes it easier to justify taking advantage of them? How about corporations externalizing their costs [not taking responsibility for costs of damage to the environment, as well as paying low wages so employees require federal assistance to get by, etc.]? What about our banking systems making it harder for people of color to get loans or charging them higher interest rates? How about making it harder for certain groups of people to vote or to get an education? What about using God to justify white priviledge? What about killing and incarcerating certain groups of people at a much higher rate compared to other people.

So, why do we [humans] seem to like to or need to exploit others? I believe that we know in our hearts that exploiting others is not right. So, somehow, together, we must choose to learn how to get along with others and not exploit them. How do we do that?

Article originally appeared on Leading Asheville, North Carolina Psychiatrist for over 40 years (
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