Recently I was reading a poem by Mary Oliver and I felt moved by her words: "Sometimes I need / only to stand / wherever I am / to be blessed." So, does that mean that we can be blessed wherever we are standing? What does it mean to be blessed? What does "stand" mean?
Thinking of "stand," I remembered a song by Susan Ashton called "Stand." Years ago my oldest daughter suggested that I listen to it as it had inspired her. The song describes "standing for what we believe and the love we have received and then we won't be alone." Then we can resist "the voices of doubt as we listen from inside out." I love that...listening from inside out. So, does "stand" mean to be grateful for the love that we have received and to be true to what we believe? If we do this then are we blessed? Are we blessed when we know what we have been given and also choose to honor what we believe? Is it that simple, that hard?
So, all we really need to do is stand, wherever we are, and we will be blessed! If we realize that we are blessed will that help us to stop worrying about the past and the future? It would seem so. Why don't we all "stand" and see what happens.

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