The title is a well known phrase and yet I believe that it contains an important message to all of us. The message has to do with the definition of neighbor. I am reminded of Fred Rogers [Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood] who clearly promoted the belief that we are all neighbors. If this is true then we are meant to love [be kind to] everyone so no one is left out. That doesn't seem reasonable, does it. Why does that matter? Does it matter? What are the consequences if we do not love all our neighbors?
One significant consequence is that people who you are not accepted and welcomed will feel left out and not included. This can lead to their feeling anger and have a desire to punish those who they feel are leaving them out. I believe that this is one reason we have wars, hatred, us against them thinking and acting. People who feel left out are easier for tyrants and dictators to control as the dictators feed into the feeling of being left out and reinforce people blaming others for leaving them out. This can start a chain reaction where there are different factions that don't trust each other, blame each other for problems, and don't take responsibility for themselves.
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