Entries in self awareness (1)



I have met people who inspire me by how they live their lives.  I often can't pinpoint what it is about them accept a feeling that they seem to be sharing with others.  After I get to know some of these inspirational people, I wonder if part of their inpiration comes from being aware of themselves and not feeling a need to hide who they are [and what they believe and feel is important] and don't seem to need to go along with what others are doing or saying. Also, they don't take themselves too seriously and don't seem to take personally what others say about them.  In addition, I don't hear them telling others what to do and I don't hear them expecting others to agree with them or change what they do.  They also don't [try not to] judge others and do not dwell in the past.  Finally, I don't hear them predicting the future.

So, from the positive side, these inspirational people are: self-aware; can laugh at themselves; stick to what they believe in and are open about this; are accepting and non-judgmental of others; encourage and support others; and are focused on what is happening today. 

So what is inspiring about these people?  They genuinely care about others and resist judging or criticizing other people.  They trust that how they live their lives will influence others in a positve way, even though they may not see this happening.  Finally, they also live their lives with reverence for living things.

So, who is capable of being someone who is an inspiration to others?  I believe that we are all capable of this.  All we need to do is believe in ourselves, stop living in the past, stop judging others and then see what happens in our lives.  I guarantee that our stress levels will be a lot lower.